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UE Electronic became the Secretariat of Guangdong Power Supply Society

On May 15, 2021, the sixth member representative conference of the Guangdong Power Supply Society and the inaugural meeting of the IEEE PELS Guangzhou branch were held in Guangzhou. At this conference, UE Electronic was formally established as the secretariat of the sixth council of the society. At the same time, through an on-site secret ballot, the chairman of UE Electronic was elected as the vice chairman of the society.

The Guangdong Power Supply Society was established in 1993 and has gathered representatives and elites from all sectors of industry, business, teaching, and scientific research related to the power supply industry in Guangdong Province. Its purpose is to promote the close integration of power supply workers, engineering and technical personnel, and enterprise management personnel; solve various problems faced by economic development and technological progress; and promote power supply technology education and research.

UE Electronic is a local private enterprise in Dongguan with more than 30 years of experience in power supply research and development, production and sales. In recent years, it has been actively participating in industry activities, leading and promoting the rapid development of the power supply industry with advanced product technology. Being elected as the Secretariat of Guangdong Power Supply Society this time is the affirmation and recognition of the development of UE Electronic by an authoritative organization in the industry. From then on, UE Electronic will continue to build on the past, vigorously develop independent innovation technology and market expansion, and actively promote the healthy and rapid development of my country's power supply industry.