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UE Electronics: Passed the acceptance of "Energy-saving and environmentally friendly switching power supply automation production line technical transformation"

On April 21, 2016, the Dongguan Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology organized and convened an evaluation meeting for the completion of the 2009 Guangdong Technical Renovation Project "Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Switching Power Supply Automation Production Line Technical Renovation" undertaken by UE Electronic.

UE Electronic General Manager Wang Xueguang, as the project leader, made a project summary report and a special audit report to the completion evaluation expert group. After the completion evaluation expert group reviewed and inspected the acceptance materials and production site, it was deemed that the project complied with the relevant regulations of the completion evaluation of the technological transformation project, and unanimously agreed that the project passed the completion evaluation.

The "Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Switching Power Supply Automation Production Line Technical Transformation" project has realized the modern production mode and large-scale production of high-quality, low-cost and high-efficiency switching power supply products. The products produced by the project have been inspected by China Saibao Laboratories and all comply with the EU RoHS Directive Require.

UE Electronic's "Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Switching Power Supply Automation Production Line Technical Transformation" project passed the acceptance test, which is an affirmation of UE Electronic's technical strength and laid the foundation for Fuhua Electronics' subsequent development of special technical transformations. In the future, in addition to continuing to expand production, UE Electronic will further take the road of independent innovation and technological upgrading, so that UE's product quality and market share will be in a leading position in the world.