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French SAGEM visits UE Electronic

On December 5, 2011, the representative of SAGEM from France visited our company. The two parties had a pleasant meeting and discussed the future cooperation and development. This will be another milestone for UE to enter the world brand.

SAGEM Group is an international company based on high technology. SAGEM's main business is divided into two parts: communication manufacturing and electronic defense. It is the second communication manufacturer in France and the third electronic defense in Europe. The manufacturer has operations in more than twenty countries. SAGEM occupies an important position in the mobile phone market in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America. SAGEM is said to be the seventh largest mobile phone company in the world and the only French company involved in mobile phone production. Sagem Mobile Phone Research and Development (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. (smrdn) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SAGEM Wireless Co., Ltd. The high-tech R&D enterprise is located in Ningbo, a developed southeast coastal city. The company is mainly engaged in the design and development of mobile phones and related electronic components and soft rooms. It is the only R&D center of SAGEM Wireless in France.

SAGEM Wireless is an international high-tech multinational company headquartered in Paris, France. It is a leading company in the world's cutting-edge communications technology. It enjoys an international reputation for its cutting-edge technology in the field of mobile communications.

Sofinnova, the controlling party of SAGEM Wireless, is a strong venture capital institution with close relations with the French Ministry of Finance. It specializes in investing in the development of cutting-edge technology industries, and it owns more than 1.1 billion euros in venture capital funds.

SAGEM representative is very satisfied with this visit to UE Electronic, fully affirmed UE Electronic's ability to provide high-quality power supply, and will discuss further matters with us.